New Emmi Programs

Program Code: 41604
Subscriptions: EmmiPrep; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage;
Program Goal: Helps patients prepare for and understand an upcoming biopsy procedure:
- Overview of what a biopsy is, and explaining what is meant by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and core-needle
- What happens during the procedure, including possible sedation
- Covers risks such as inconclusive results, injury to neighboring structures, and pneumothorax
- Supports patients waiting for results with an explanation of what happens with their sample
Updated Emmi Programs

Program Code: 160
Subscriptions: EmmiHealth; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Edited to focus script on checking blood sugar for people with diabetes who use insulin
- Added in language around continuous glucose monitors
- Changed title from “Diabetes: Checking You Blood Sugar” to “Diabetes: Checking Your Blood Sugar When Using Insulin”
Program Code: 603
Subscriptions: EmmiHealth; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Notes from past Annual Medical reviews and harmonizing with UpToDate content
- Feedback from Patient Advisory Board: Some language is potentially condescending or assumes a certain level of anxiety or worry
- Making language more inclusive where possible
- Edits keep program in line with Baby Friendly guidelines
These updates have also been applied to the following EmmiEducate programs:
- Breastfeeding Basics: Overview (31938)
- How to Breastfeed: Overview (31939)
Program Code: 522
Subscriptions: EmmiHealth; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD
- Added specific physical activity goal of 150 minutes each week
- Reworked the What You Can Do section to better align with UTD “Overview of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke” by modifiable risk factors: antithrombotic therapy, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and then lifestyle modifications (smoking cessation, physical inactivity, diet, alcohol/substance abuse)
- Changed discussion of alcohol from “excessive use” to the idea that any use can have potential effects
- Removed ephedra from list of stimulants as it is now banned
- Removed idea of “mini stroke” for accuracy
- Updated the acronym FAST to BE FAST
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
Program Code: 17247
Subscriptions: EmmiHealth; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Inform users that there are other medicine options if they cannot tolerate a smaller dose or different statin.
- Added more specific guidelines around exercise to harmonize with UTD and align with the 2019 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
- Added information about calcium channel blockers to align with UTD
- Updated content with AMR feedback
- Added warning information about combining nitroglycerin with ED medications based on AMR feedback.
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
These updates have also been applied to the following short-form programs:
- Acute Myocardial Infarction: About (18283)
- Acute Myocardial Infarction: Lifestyle Changes (18284)
- Acute Myocardial Infarction: Medications (18285)