New Emmi Programs

Program Code: 33917
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
This video provides people with a relatable introduction to anxiety. It goes over:
- What causes anxiety
- How anxiety may be experienced, both emotionally and physically
- When anxiety can become a problem
- Encouragement to seek help if needed
Program Code: 39183
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
This video goes over information about how movement can help decrease feelings of stress and anxiety, and shares examples of range of activities that people of all physical capabilities can do. It reviews:
- How movement helps with stress and anxiety
- Attainable tips to help people who struggle with anxiety or stress increase their movement throughout the day
- Provides an interactive goal-setting activity to help users get started
Program Code: 37105
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
This video goes over tips and strategies to help people sleep when they are anxious or stressed. It reviews:
- How anxiety and stress can impact sleep
- Many attainable tips to help people who struggle with anxiety or stress sleep better
- Provides an interactive goal-setting activity to help users get started
Updated Emmi Programs

Program Code: 17248
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Updated to per UTD harmonization and AMR notes:
- Added lines to qualify that program only covers basic carbohydrate counting
- Edits to assure language is inclusive of both 1DM and 2DM treatment and nutritional strategies
- Added qualifying language for certain dietary concepts that Emmi would explain very general ways.
- Updates to improve inclusivity
Program Code: 314
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiDecide, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Updated client-facing and patient-facing names to include "Non-Surgical" in the title
- Changed to include only non-surgical treatment options since we don’t go into any detail on the surgical options; surgery is a “last resort” for most people; we have separate Emmi’s for these cases
- Edited first 2 sections to:
- Include only anatomy/back intro in the “Your Back” section and placed it first so it can be utilized as a stand alone or as intro to other back programs as well
- Broadened “Your Back” section so, again, it can be utilized for a variety of reasons
- Moved other “condition” specific info into the Low Back Pain section
- Removed Surgery & Red Flags section; incorporated “red flags” info into Low Back Pain section
- Separated Medicine and Other Treatments into their own sections (since we got rid of Surgery this makes more sense)
- Moved Other Treatments below Movement and Rehab as they are secondary to rehab
- Made more gender neutral
- Updated Emmi language style to make more concise throughout
- Your Back: Overview (31898)
- Low Back Pain: Overview (32547)
Program Code: 53
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiPrep, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Edited to be less gendered throughout
- Removed certain timeframes to make more general for all
- Updated to most recent blood-thinner language (Coumadin removed since no longer on the market)
- Removed between section transitions so sections can stand alone
- Common Causes of Shoulder Pain: Overview (32084)
- What Happens During a Shoulder Arthroscopy?: Overview (32085)