Updated Emmi programs

Program Code: 21297
Subscriptions: EmmiHealth; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD
- Removed outdated term “birth defects” throughout
- Removed list of sources of iron and left to “talk to your doctor”
- Removed cleft palate from congenital abnormalities diet can prevent because the association is weak and controversial
- Removed “low-fat” and “fat-free” from recommendations when it comes to dairy
- Per UpToDate guidelines from "Working during pregnancy", added to talk to your doctor about how much weight is safe to lift at each stage of pregnancy
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for gendered language
- Exercise During Pregnancy: Overview (32033)
Program Code: 17270
Subscriptions: EmmiSafety ; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Added that the risk for falls and serious injury from falls increases as someone gets older
- Identified strength and balance activities as being the best types of physical activity to prevent falls
- Added that taking medicines like antidepressants, sedatives, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines can increase someone’s risk of falling
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
Program Code: 113
Subscriptions: EmmiKids; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Added abnormal lab tests as possible reason for an endoscopy
- Updated language around general anesthesia and sedation
- Replaced “Alternatives” section with “Outro” section. Similar to adult EGD program, UTD recommended as there are no true alternatives to an EDG
- Updated for inclusivity and accessibility considerations
- What Happens During a Pediatric Upper GI Endoscopy?: Overview (32426)
- Why a Pediatric Upper GI Endoscopy May Be Needed: Overview (32427)
Program Code: 25525
Subscriptions: EmmiPrep; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Updated information about getting an epidural early to match current practice guidelines.
- Getting an Epidural for Childbirth: Overview (31914)
Program Code: 80
Subscriptions: EmmiPrep; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Removed language referring to specific medications (like fentanyl)
- Added risks for “infection” and “hematoma” for epidural
- Removed language referring to planned C-section so that the audience is focused on those planning on a vaginal delivery
- Removed language referring to other sections for overview/short form videos – especially in the “Combined Spinal-Epidural” section
- Updated language for consistency with Childbirth program (updated recently).
- Updated to improve inclusivity
- Updated to improve accessibility
These updates have also been applied to the following short-form programs:
- Combined Spinal-Epidural for Childbirth: Overview (31891)
Program Code: 925
Subscriptions: EmmiPrep; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Updated clinician/care team language
- Language about post op nausea and general anesthesia
- Updated content with AMR feedback
- Implemented suggestions to clarify risk language
- Generalized timelines
- Modified first risk to “Anesthesia type may need to be switched during procedure”
- Updated to modern Emmi language style
- Updates to improve inclusivity
- Artwork updated to include more diversity
- Updated to improve accessibility
- Updated to gender neutral language
These updates have also been applied to the following short-form programs:
- Peripheral Nerve Block (Regional Anesthesia) Basics: Overview (32218)
Off-cycle release

Program Code: 31443
Subscriptions: EmmiSafety; EmmiEngage; Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Updated to include current guidelines around vaccinations.
- COVID-19: What is COVID-19? (33209)
- COVID-19: How does it spread? (31518)
- COVID-19: What are the symptoms? (31521)
- COVID-19: What should I do if I'm worried I've been exposed? (31516)
- COVID-19: What should I do if I'm feeling sick? (31517)
- COVID-19: What can I do to stay healthy? (31520)