New Emmi Programs

Program Code: 41347
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Program Goal: To motivate patients to attend cardiac rehab visits and help set expectations for visits, including:
- The health benefits cardiac rehab offers to patients
- What to expect from each phase of cardiac rehab
- Answers to common questions about cardiac rehab
Updated Emmi Programs

Program Code: 121
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Primary changes:
- Harmonized content with UpToDate and Lexicomp
- Removed mention of bowl prep prior to the procedure.
- Added information about a TAP block as an option for anesthesia.
- Deleted information about simple suture repair because for incisional hernias; UpToDate recommends repairing with mesh unless the field is contaminated.
- Removed mention of PCA pumps because they are rarely used.
- Removed information about hernia belts or trusses in the alternatives section, as they are not considered effective alternatives.
- Updated content with AMR feedback
- Added information about robotic repair surgery
- Separated out open repair, laparoscopic repair, and robot-assisted repair surgical methods to clarify the differences between the methods
- Updates to improve inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
- What Happens During an Incisional Hernia Repair?: Overview (32239)
- What Is an Incisional Hernia?: Overview (32238)
Program Code: 29481
Subscriptions: EmmiEngage, EmmiHealth, Faith-Based EmmiEngage
Primary changes:
- Harmonized content with UpToDate and Lexicomp
- Symptoms for hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state and diabetic ketoacidosis for specific groups of type 2 diabetics at risk
- Updated content with AMR feedback
- Added language from Blood Sugar Emergencies for Type 1 Diabetes program on situations that make low blood sugar more likely
- Updated language around hyperglycemia to let patients know that blood sugar can still go up even when doing everything right
- Clarified rapid-acting or short-acting insulin may be used for high blood sugar corrections
- Updates to improve inclusivity
- Updated for gendered language