UpToDate® a través de SNS
UpToDate está disponsible para todos los médicos del SNS.

UpToDate®, un recurso de apoyo en la toma de decisiones clínicas basado en la evidencia médica, redactado por especialistas, está disponible para todos los profesionales del sector sanitario, incluidos médicos, personal de enfermería, farmacéuticos y profesionales en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). Se puede acceder a UpToDate a través de las bibliotecas virtuales regionales de asistencia sanitaria.

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Screenshot from Lippincott DocuCare sizzle video
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On the front line of knowledge
Built by a team of nursing educators and experts in health informatics, Lippincott DocuCare teaches students the fundamentals of effective electronic documentation while fostering clinical judgment and critical thinking.
Virtual firms are about so much more than geographic freedom and flexibility
Our leadership in AI technology helps you more quickly and accurately identify patients at risk. That’s just one example of our dedication to understanding your challenges and priorities and applying our culture of innovation to meet your needs.

Download the Wolters Kluwer “Vertical integration strategies” Expert Insight article

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