New Programs

Program Code: 43701
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- This video goes over information for those who are thinking about quitting smoking.
Program Code: 43702
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- This video goes over the benefits of quitting smoking.
Re-released Programs

Program Code: 755
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main Changes:
- Harmonized content with CDI
- Added language around withdrawal symptoms and quit line numbers
- Added language around electronic cigarettes
- Reinforced cessation success using nicotine replacement therapies combined with behavioral therapies
- Minimized language around breathing exercises
- Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
- Updated for standard language and style
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- Why People Smoke: Overview (32034)
Updated Programs

Program Code: 3992
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD clinician-facing topics
- Added information about the possibility of getting regional anesthesia to align with UTD
- Added information to explain that patients may be awake during the procedure, or they may fall asleep at times
- Added information about possible allergic reactions to the dye used during the procedure
- Generalize language around stents to account for all the different types now available
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
- Streamlined content to shorten overall program length
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What Happens During an Angiogram with Possible PTA and Stenting (Lower Extremity)?: Overview (32434)
Program Code: 3994
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD clinician-facing topics
- Added information about the different parts of blood to increase patient understanding
- Added information about crossmatching
- Added information about delayed immune hemolytic reactions to the risk section
- Edited risk section to distinguish between the risks of TACO and TRALI
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
- Streamlined content to shorten overall program length
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What Is a Blood Transfusion?: Overview (32112)
Program Code: 25379
Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UpToDate
- Clarified language around C-sections and anesthesia
- Clarified language around next steps following baby delivery that skin-to-skin time may happen after vaginal or C-section births
- Added language around postpartum depression in last section
- Added language around alternatives to pain medicines
- Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
- Updated for standard language and style
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- Preparing for Delivery: Overview (32089)
- What Happens at the Hospital During Delivery?: Overview (32088)
Program Code: 23981
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized with UTD
- Removed that it may “run in your family” as there is no genetic component
- Harmonized which medicines may increase risk of GERD
- Removed that lowering stress can help with symptoms since it lacks evidence
- Added surface agents and PCABS to discussion
- Restructured grouping of medicine types to better align with UpToDate: meds for mild vs more severe symptoms
- Made less gendered and updated for accessibility considerations throughout
- Updated language to current editorial style
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- Acid Reflux (GERD): Overview (31954)
Program Code: 21290
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Updated content with AMR feedback
- Focused call-to-action on seeking treatment and not just living with/managing incontinence
- Updates to explanation of stress and urgency types of incontinence
- Updates to the organization of the treatment section to group treatments by type of incontinence
- Moved language about urgent symptoms (when to seek help right away) to the Overview video chapter
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What is Urinary Incontinence (Female Anatomy)?: Overview (31953)
Program Code: 20291
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD clinician-facing topics
- Updated program title to match how UpToDate categorizes abortions and to avoid using the term "D&C"
- Removed reference to a curette being used because according to UpToDate a procedural abortion may be performed by uterine aspiration in the first trimester
- Deleted information about testing for RhD status because according to UpToDate, “While RhD status was historically performed on all patients, evidence shows risk of alloimmunization of D-negative patients to be negligible for gestations < 12 weeks"
- Deleted information about delaying the procedure if there isn’t enough pregnancy tissue, as this is not standard practice
- Added information about possible cervical preparation prior to the procedure, but acknowledge that this is uncommon
- Added information about nitrous oxide as another potential option for pain management.
- Removed information about avoiding baths to align with UpToDate and newer standards of post op care
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
- Streamlined content to shorten overall program length
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What Happens During a First Trimester Procedural Abortion?: Overview (32472)
Program Name Change: Procedural Abortion: First Trimester
Program Code: 20291
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Previous title: D and C for First Trimester Termination
Program Name Change: What Happens During a First Trimester Procedural Abortion?: Overview
Program Code: 32472
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Previous title: What Happens During a Dilation and Curettage for First Trimester Termination?: Overview