UpToDate Patient and Member Engagement Program Updates and Enhancements - September 2024

The following programs have been released on September 25, 2024. Click here to preview all the programs in this release.
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New Programs

Pneumonia: Recovering From Pneumonia

Program Code: 45174
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video provides information about recovering from pneumonia.
Pneumonia: Prevention

Program Code: 45175
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video provides information and tips for preventing pneumonia.
Chemotherapy: Getting Chemotherapy

Program Code: 44842
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over ways that chemotherapy treatments can be given.
Chemotherapy: Life During Treatment

Program Code: 44843
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what to expect while going through chemotherapy treatments.
Common Concerns About Chemotherapy: Overview

Program Code: 44844
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what to expect and ways to manage nausea and hair loss during chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy: Possible Side Effects

Program Code: 44845
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over side effects that can be associated with getting chemotherapy and how to manage them.

Re-released Programs

What is Cord Blood Storage?

Program Code:  150
Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main Changes:

  • This program was completely rewritten and re-released in 2024 to reflect updated ACOG and AAP guidelines for umbilical cord blood storage.

These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:

  • Types of Cord Blood Storage: Overview (32675) - Name Change

Updated Programs


Program Code: 3967

Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
    • Separated pharmacologic content to discuss medicines that help cure/treat pneumonia vs. medicines to reduce symptoms and support recovery
    • Added information about the importance of getting a COVID-19 vaccine to help prevent pneumonia
    • Updated information around the pneumonia vaccine to align with current guidelines
  • Updated program for inclusivity
    • Added more diverse artwork
    • Updated for accessibility
    • Updated for gendered language
    • Streamlined content to shorten overall program length

These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:

  • Pneumonia and Your Lungs: Overview (32209)
When to Use the ED and Other Healthcare Options

Program Code: 28763

Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized with UpToDate
    • Added emergency department (ED) term
  • Added language around patients who may not have health insurance
  • Revised language around PCPs to focus more on where patients can go
  • Added language around patients in remote/rural without easy access to care
  • Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
  • Updated for standard language and style
Endovenous Thermal Ablation

Program Code: 17259

Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized content with UpToDate/CDI
    • Removed language around vein being absorbed by the body
    • Mentioned endovenous heat-induced thrombus (EHIT)
    • Removed language around stroke signs in After Your Procedure section. Updated stroke signs in Risks section and clarified it is only rare risk for patients with POF
    • Added foam sclerotherapy and new alternative procedures, mechanochemical (MOCA) and cyanoacrylate glue ablation
  • Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
  • Updated for standard language and style

These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:

  • Varicose Veins and Endovenous Ablation: Overview (31952)
  • What Happens During an Endovenous Ablation Procedure?: Overview (31970)
Managing Crohn's Disease

Program Code: 533

Subscriptions: UpToDate Decide, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Adding new medicines risankizumab (Skyrizi®) and upadacitinib (or Rinvoq®)
  • Changing name of the program now that a small molecule medicine is included
  • Revising language around biologics and immunomodulators to add small molecule medicines, when appropriate
  • Editing symptoms of Crohn’s disease to match patient information in UpToDate
  • Streamlining language throughout program
Intro to an ACO

Program Code: 9851

Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Minor wording changes throughout to temper the contrast between ACO and non-ACO care delivery

Program Code: 258

Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized content with UpToDate/CDI and AMR suggestions
    • Added language about cold capping and other medicines that prevent hair loss and nausea
    • Removed mention of other cancer treatment modalities to focus program content
    • Added some information about alcohol use while on chemotherapy
  • Updated program for inclusivity
    • Added more diverse artwork
    • Updated for accessibility
    • Updated for gendered language

These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:

  • What Is Chemotherapy?: Overview (32106)

Program Name Change:  What is Cord Blood Storage?

Program Code: 150

Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Cord Blood Storage Options

Program Name Change: Types of Cord Blood Storage: Overview

Program Code: 32675
Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Why Save Umbilical Cord Blood?: Overview

Program Name Change:  Endovenous Thermal Ablation

Program Code: 17529

Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Endovenous Ablation

Program Name Change: Managing Crohn's Disease

Program Code: 533
Subscriptions: UpToDate Decide, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Crohn's Disease: Biologic and Immunomodulator Treatment Options