UpToDate Patient and Member Engagement Program Updates and Enhancements - August 2024

The following programs have been released on August 28, 2024. Click here to preview our new interactive programs.
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New Programs

Gender-Affirming Mastectomy

Program Code: 43688
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery), including: a brief overview of breast anatomy; the goals of gender-affirming mastectomy; what you need to know before, during, and after surgery; and some of the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the surgery.
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: What is Top Surgery?

Program Code: 43689
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over breast anatomy and how it is changed by gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery).
Your Goals for a Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Overview

Program Code: 43694
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what to expect during the consultation appointment with your doctor for a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery).
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Before Your Procedure

Program Code: 43690
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what to expect when getting ready for a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery).
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Your Procedure

Program Code: 43695
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what happens during a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery). It includes 3 common procedure methods (double-incision, periareolar, and keyhole).
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Recovery

Program Code: 43691
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over what to expect when recovering from a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery).
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Risks and Benefits

Program Code: 43692
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over the risks of a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery) including general risks with any surgery.
Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Alternatives

Program Code: 43693
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over the alternatives to a gender-affirming mastectomy (or top surgery).
Dementia Basics: What Can You Expect?

Program Code: 43696
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over dementia and what to expect as it progresses. It is intended for patients with early-stage dementia (and capacity for insight) or the caregivers of those at any stage.
Managing Dementia: Overview

Program Code: 43697
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over dementia and what can be done to manage it. It is intended for patients with early-stage dementia (and capacity for insight) or the caregivers of those at any stage.
Dementia Caregiver: Communication

Program Code: 43698
Subscriptions: UpToDate Success, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over communication tips for caregivers (professional or volunteer) of patients with early- to mid-stage dementia (patient still lives at home and end-of-life issues are not yet a concern).
Dementia Caregiver: Day to Day

Program Code: 44097
Subscriptions: UpToDate Success, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over information for caregivers (professional or volunteer) of patients with early- to mid-stage dementia (patient still lives at home and end-of-life issues are not yet a concern).
Common Behavior Changes With Dementia: Overview

Program Code: 43699
Subscriptions: UpToDate Success, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over common behaviors and how to manage them for caregivers (professional or volunteer) of patients with early- to mid-stage dementia (patient still lives at home and end-of-life issues are not yet a concern).
Dementia Caregiver: Caregiver Support

Program Code: 43700
Subscriptions: UpToDate Success, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:

  • This video goes over tips for self-care for caregivers (professional or volunteer) of patients with early- to mid-stage dementia (patient still lives at home and end-of-life issues are not yet a concern).

Updated Programs

Dementia: Basics

Program Code:  25315
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main Changes:

  • Harmonized content with UTD
  • Removed certain language around dementia that may not be beneficial to patient, including detailed discussion on how dementia impacts brain
  • Added new medicines available for dementia
  • Added frontotemporal to list of possible causes of dementia
  • Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
  • Updated for standard language and style

These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:

  • What is Dementia?: Overview (31862)
Dementia: Caregiver

Program Code: 25397
Subscriptions: UpToDate Success, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main Changes:

  • Harmonized content with UTD
  • Revised script to be more concise for caregiver audience
  • Adjusted language around certain caregiver recommendations
    • Emphasized soothing music should be music person with dementia enjoys
    • Suggested redirecting away from unpleasant memories
    • Noted should inform 911 if called that person has dementia
  • Added frontotemporal to list of possible causes of dementia
  • Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
  • Updated for standard language and style
Bariatric Informed Decision Making

Program Code: 105

Subscriptions: UpToDate Decide, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
    • Added Intragastric balloon treatment description
  • Updated content with AMR Feedback
    • Clarification of some procedure steps
    • Clarification around advice for dumping syndrome
  • Added reflection questions throughout the program to help reinforce content
  • Updated program for inclusivity
    • Added more diverse artwork
    • Updated for accessibility
    • Updated gendered language
Medicines for Coronary Artery Disease

Program Code: 28117

Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized with UpToDate
    • Changed name to better reflect audience/meds discussed
    • Added medicines
      • Calcium channel blockers including diltiazem and verapamil
      • SGLT2 inhibitor and GLP-1 receptor agonist
    • Harmonized with CDI
    • Made less gendered and updated for accessibility considerations throughout
    • Updated language to current editorial style
    • Mirrored with AMI where applicable to keep consistent
Lifestyle Changes for Coronary Artery Disease

Program Code: 28116

Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Main changes:

  • Harmonized with UpToDate
    • Changed name to better reflect audience/“medicines” program
  • Made less gendered and updated for accessibility considerations throughout
  • Updated language to current editorial style
  • Mirrored with AMI where applicable to keep consistent

Program Name Change:  Medicines for Coronary Artery Disease

Program Code: 28117

Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Heart Disease: Medications

Program Name Change: Lifestyle Changes for Coronary Artery Disease

Program Code: 28116
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage

Previous title: Heart Disease: Lifestyle Changes