New Programs

Program Code: 43625
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- This video goes over information about natural menopause, including: what it is, how to manage symptoms with lifestyle changes and medicine, and the common emotions people experience during this time.
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What is Natural Menopause?: Overview (43646)
- Managing Natural Menopause Symptoms: Overview (43647)
- Natural Menopause: Managing Symptoms with Medicine (43648)
- Natural Menopause: Emotions During Menopause (43649)
- Natural Menopause: New Beginnings (43650)
Program Code: 43651
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- This video provides an overview of PAP (positive airway pressure) treatment for sleep apnea, including: how to choose the right PAP mask and tips about good sleep hygiene.
Program Code: 43652
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Educate, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- This video provides an overview of PAP (positive airway pressure) treatment for sleep apnea, including: getting adjusted to the mask and tips about good sleep hygiene.
Updated Programs

Program Code: 579
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage, Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main Changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD
- Included language around informing anesthesia doctor if taking PAP or
having sleep apnea - Deleted “Why treat sleep apnea?” section. Sleep apnea program covers this information
- Revised to reflect that both CPAP and APAP are common PAP devices
- Deleted Provent as potential alternative
- Updated certain sections to match Sleep apnea program
- Revised language around how PAP can improve certain health conditions
- Included upper airway stimulation treatment as potential alternative option
- Updated for DE&I and accessibility considerations
- Updated for standard language and style
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- How Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Treats Sleep Apnea: Overview (9861)