New Programs

Program Code: 43209
Subscriptions: UpToDate Health, UpToDate Engage; Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Release Notes:
- A brief program focusing on how changes to the brain lead to the symptoms of Alzheimer disease, including: what Alzheimer disease is, how it affects people, symptom management, and ways to prepare for changes as disease progresses.
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- Alzheimer Disease Changes: Overview (43553)
- Alzheimer Disease: Preparing for Changes (43554)
Updated Programs

Program Code: 86
Subscriptions: UpToDate Prep; UpToDate Engage; Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main Changes:
- Updated program structure for brevity
- Deleted the section devoted to the health problems that can happen when someone has hypertension. Instead, rolled the most important information into the first section title, What is Hypertension?
- Removed the Taking a Reading section and made it into its own, separate program
- Harmonized content with UpToDate
- Defined hypertension to align with UTD and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association.Clarified risk language about damage to heart’s electrical system
- Deleted the example of a blood pressure goal to prevent confusion. Instead, direct users to follow their doctor’s specific instructions.
- Added information about the benefits of aerobic and strength-training activities
- Added information about the DASH eating plan. According to UTD, the combination of a low-sodium and DASH diet have significant benefit similar to the effects of antihypertensive medicines.
- Removed specific sodium targets from program and instead, emphasize the importance of following the doctor’s recommendations for sodium intake.
- Added information about the importance of quitting vaping and smoking with a hookah to align with UTD
- Added information to specifically call out acetaminophen as a medicine that can potentially affect blood pressure. Advise users to review acetaminophen labels with their doctor before taking.
- Added information about the possibility that the medicine may need to be adjusted at times to determine the best medicine and dose to align with UTD topics.
- Updated to include a full list of the signs of stroke (BEFAST)
- Updated program for inclusivity
- Added more diverse artwork
- Updated for accessibility
- Updated for gendered language
These updates have also been applied to the following UpToDate Educate programs:
- What Is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?: Overview (31903)
- Lifestyle Changes to Lower Blood Pressure: Overview (31904)
Program Code: 25395
Subscriptions: UpToDate Safety; UpToDate Engage; Faith-Based UpToDate Engage
Main changes:
- Harmonized content with UTD/CDI
- Updated clinician/care team language
- Updated first colonoscopy age recommendation
- Added language referring to telehealth and using apps for EMRs and health plans
- Updated to modern Emmi language style
- Updates to improve inclusivity
- Artwork updated to include more diversity
- Updated to improve accessibility
- Updated to gender-neutral language